Community Recovery

The First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court, managed by Families Free, plays a crucial role in providing support and rehabilitation for individuals at high risk of recidivism and with significant needs. Through a comprehensive assessment process, participants are evaluated for various factors including substance use disorder, mental health concerns, family dynamics, and environmental factors to determine their suitability for the program.

Basic Needs

Connect Food Banks, Transportation, Education, Medical/Dental, Housing, Legal Aid, Family Justice Center, Employment

Family Reunification

New Family Patterns of Communication, Moving from Maladaptive to Adaptive Family Patterns of Homeostasis

Family Therapy Sessions

Family/Couples Sessions, Therapeutic Visitation, In-home Services - Homemaker, Parenting, SA Tx for Family Members, Connect to Other Providers in Community

Family Education Services

Connect to Community Support, Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, Faith-Based Community Support Communication Skills

Family Centered Services

The well being and healthy development of the families we serve are important to us, and that is why we offer supportive programs and referrals to various community-based partners that can assist in their success.

First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court

Families Free offers evidence-based holistic treatment services tailored to the specific needs of individuals involved with the criminal justice system. These services include intensive outpatient programs, gender-specific trauma groups, individual and group therapy sessions, yoga, parenting education, and family therapy. By addressing a wide range of needs, from substance use to mental health and family dynamics, the program aims to provide comprehensive support for participants on their journey toward rehabilitation and recovery.
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Restorative Recovery

Families Free facilitates gender-specific groups in local detention centers, offering evidence-based programs like Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT®) and Thinking for a Change to equip participants with skills for successful re-entry. Office-based case management ensures ongoing support during the transition back into society.

Thinking for a Change and Freedom Recovery Re-Entry and Pro-Social Skills classes further complement the rehabilitation process by focusing on cognitive restructuring and teaching essential life skills needed for successful reintegration into the community. These programs aim to address underlying issues and equip participants with the necessary skills to navigate challenges and make positive choices upon re-entry.
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