“After reading about self-sabotage, I started to learn so much about myself,” said Brooke.
Brooke was placed in DCS custody as a child, and she believes this is when she first started to make decisions based off fear. Self-sabotage came into play many times throughout her life – whether that be during her time spent living with foster families, when she entered into relationships with men, or even in regards to her own children.
“The worst part of my self-sabotaging would be my relationships with my children,” stated Brooke. “After I lost (gave up) my oldest son, I was ashamed of myself for losing him. I didn’t think I deserved my other kids. I was so scared of my addiction, and the way I was living.
I have also used self-sabotage with probation. Every time I was released, I was terrified. I did not know how to live outside of jail. At first I would run and continue to use. The last few times I’ve used right before my drug test knowing I would fail, just so I could go back to jail and live the life I was used to.”
Brooke in front of The Coffee Company, owned by John and Lisa Bunn.
Through her own hard work, the guidance and support given to her by our Families Free team, and her participation in the First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court, Brooke is making big strides. She’s living a life where her decisions are based off hope and love, not fear.
The First Judicial Felony Recovery Court brings together community resources to help participants overcome barriers to treatment success. Team members are included from key agencies including State Probation, Alternative Community Corrections Program, the District Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, Frontier Health, the Carter County Sheriff’s Office, and treatment is provided by Families Free. The Recovery Court team is led by the Honorable Judge Stacy Street and the Honorable Judge Lisa Rice.
Families Free has been fortunate enough to receive support from businesses in our area – one of which is The Coffee Company, owned by John and Lisa Bunn. For the the last three months, Brooke has been working alongside the staff of this Elizabethton, TN mainstay.
The heart of John and Lisa’s business mirrors the very same goals we have for Families Free: a common desire to help the local community and provide a safe environment for those who are unsure of their future. “We are very likeminded in the way we want to help, said John Bunn. “We’re trying to provide a faith-based ministry, even though we are a restaurant – a place where people can have a new start. A place where young people can find their way.”
In addition to providing employment opportunities and important community connections, John and Lisa Bunn also lease an additional building where recovery court treatment sessions take place. Their continuous support of vital programs allows Brooke, and many others, the opportunity to thrive and succeed.
John Bunn, owner of The Coffee Company, and Brooke.
When asked how Families Free has changed her outlook for the future, Brooke had this to say: “It’s changed a lot. They helped me get into rehab, and then get helped me get into the Oxford House and helped me get my job. Now I plan on going to school and becoming a better person. I think everybody should get the chance to work with Families Free.”
“Brooke talked about becoming a better person – Brooke has always been a good person,” voiced Robin Ledford, Co-Occurring Coordinator, LADAC for Families Free. “I think it’s our job at Families Free to help her see that in herself, and there came a point in time when she was ready to receive the help. I’m very proud of Brooke and her progress. Her potential is unlimited.”
With the support of our community and a solid belief in herself and her abilities, we believe Brooke will utilize her unlimited potential to achieve great things. #LoveRestores