Through grace and grit, more than 30 individuals have graduated from the FJDFRC since 2017, and with 34 current participants working their way through the program, we have seen more than just milestones being met – we’ve seen lives change for the better. The same and more can be said about recent graduates Jillian, John, and Mandy.
When thinking about her time with Jillian and what she believes is on the horizon, Judge Lisa Rice said – “This girl is on fire.”
Reflecting on both John and Mandy, Judge Stacy Street said, “He’s such a nice guy … this young man has the grit. His accomplishments know no limits.” “I’ve had the most fun with Mandy … I’m honestly so proud of her.”
When asked what the theme of the graduation, grace and grit, meant to the graduates, they said statements such as –
-It takes grace to overcome the grit. It’s hard every day, but I’m doing it.
-Grit is sticking to it no matter the obstacles. Grace has been shown to me many times.
-Grit is working 12-hour days, attending meetings, starting school at 36, and being in my kids’ life. Grace has been shown to me by a higher power and the amazing people I have in my life.
We could not be prouder of each graduate and look forward to seeing what the future has in store for them!
We would also like to take the time to thank 2022 graduate Jennifer Dixon for speaking during the ceremony and sharing her insight and experience after completing the program.
“Once I decided to accept help, I learned to love myself,” said Jennifer. “I graduated, have steady employment, have a car, a house, custody of my children, and a supportive husband. If it wasn’t for the program, I wouldn’t be here.” #LoveRestores
Thank you, Senator Jon Lundberg, Johnson City Mayor Todd Fowler, Judge James Goodwin, Mayor Patty Woodby, Commissioner Lisa Childress, and Washington County Clerk Brenda Downes for joining the Recovery Court team in supporting our graduates.
*Programs partially funded by the TN Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TNDMHSAS)