First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court Receives National Honor

First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court Receives National Honor

“Love and justice go together. Justice without love can be brutal, and love without justice can be banal. Love is the heart of justice, and justice is the social form of love.” – Richard Rohr.

We shared with you earlier this month that the First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court was named one of 10 national mentor treatment courts by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. We are still very grateful for this honor! #LoveRestores

Thank you to WJHL for featuring this recognition and our hopes to expand FJDFRC’s treatment program. Click here to view their coverage of our honor.

*Families Free is a licensed outpatient/co-occurring treatment center through the TN Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TNDMHSAS).



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