First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court Graduation


First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court Graduation

Successful individuals build successful communities …

On Thursday, October 11th members of the Families Free and First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court teams, current participants in the program, family, and friends gathered to celebrate the success of Brooke and Kaice. Both women joined the First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court program looking for a second chance.

The First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court provides alternatives besides jail time, such as counseling, curriculum, and access to a number of opportunities that serve to support their success. It’s an important tool for those who need help staying out of the cycle of jail time, being released, and then going back again.

Judge Lisa Rice introduces the Recovery Court team.
Keynote Speaker Judge Stacy Street discusses Recovery Court in depth.
Ricky Lee Hilton and Jason Abernathy provide music during the ceremony.

Through this opportunity, both women completed the five phases of the program and met personal goals along the way. From April 2017 to October 2018, Brooke worked hard to reach and exceed milestones such as beginning work at The Coffee Company and then earning a management position at Auntie Ann’s, she celebrated one year of sobriety, worked with a sponsor and then began sponsoring her first individual, she passed the written and driving test to obtain her license, and Brooke even purchased her first car.

During the graduation ceremony panel interview, Families Free’s Executive Director Lisa Tipton asked both women to share one of the biggest lessons they learned while working through the program.

Executive Director Lisa Tipton moderates the panel with graduates Kaice and Brooke.
Recovery Court Graduate Panel.

Kaice also met and exceeded every goal that was set in front of her. From March 2017 to August 2018 Kaice completed her HiSET® exam through Northeast State, she is actively working with a sponsor and chaired her first AA meeting, she purchased a new home, Kaice’s daughters moved in with her, and then she started college at Northeast State this fall.

It’s easy to draw inspiration from their accomplishments, but what is even more impressive is that after completing all five phases of the FJDFRC program both Kaice and Brooke actively seek out opportunities to help others. Kaice plans to study counseling in school, and Brooke is working as a sponsor and serves as a supportive leader for other women in Oxford House – a self-sustaining sober living home.

Graduation Ceremony with Judge Street, Kaice, Brooke, Judge Rice and Recovery Court Director Rachel Roden.
Graduates receiving their diplomas.
Refreshments and fellowship followed the graduation ceremony.

Refreshments and fellowship followed the graduation ceremony.
Member of the Families Free team with graduates Kaice and Brooke.

It’s with pride that we watch Kaice and Brooke move past the cycle of self-sabotage they knew before and maintain a new lifestyle of support and love. With bright futures ahead, we congratulate our very first graduates and look forward to seeing how their success helps build a stronger, more successful community. #LoveRestores

We want to extend a special thank you to Judge Lisa Rice, Judge Stacy Street, Jason Abernathy, and Ricky Lee Hilton for speaking and performing during the graduation ceremony. We also want to thank the other members of the FJDFRC team which include additional recovery agencies, judges, law enforcement members, district attorneys, and public defenders who work to ensure the success of the participants.

The First Judicial District Felony Recovery Court program is funded under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.



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