Dear Community Members …


Dear Community Members …

While the Coronavirus is changing many aspects of our daily lives, it can’t impact the principles we deeply value at Families Free – our sincere desire for restoration, justice, and love. 

We are taking the CDC and Tennessee State Department’s recommendations to heart because protecting our community means protecting our clients, our Families Free staff, and our community. 

We are very mindful of our population of clients who are largely employed in service industry sector who will be most profoundly impacted by the current state of emergency. 

We are seeking charitable donations to begin a benevolence fund. Families Free is positioned to respond expeditiously to provide food, shelter, and basic needs through our current processes.  

We are reaching out to our valued partners to ask for help through a one-time donation to Families Free that we will specifically earmark toward community benevolence for those affected. Families Free is grateful for each of you, your support, and your heart to help those actively involved in the restoration of their families. #LoveRestores

In loving service,

The Families Free Community 

If you are able to donate to our benevolence fund, please visit our homepage and click on the “donate” button at the top.



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